Classroom Integration Ideas:
1. Go Orange For Hunger: Support Share Our Strength, National Outreach Project, and go orange for hunger on September 24. Visit for more ideas.
2. Media Revolution: Show “Social Media Revolution 2012-2013” (YouTube) as an introductory to positive image in social media.
3. FCCLA Great Barrier Parfait: Introduce FCCLA with the FCCLA Introductory Prezi. Give students an FCCLA knowledge test but have each question represent a different ingredient in a yogurt parfait which represents the Great Barrier Reef (yogurt as water, granola as coral, fruit as fish, etc). Don’t forget to top it with a Swedish fish!
4. Map Your Expedition through Life : An activity for Life Management where students map out their goals (their 7 Wonders) and plan what they need to accomplish each goal (supplies for their expedition)
Bulletin Board Ideas
· Wonders of the World
· Focus on Your Wonders
· Zoom in on Inspiration
· Inspiration Awaits you
· Dare to discover