Sunday, May 5, 2013

Vice President of Membership (2013-2014)

Hello Colorado FCCLA! This is your 2013-2014 state Vice President of Membership, Letha Plecker. I am thrilled to be serving you as a state officer this year. Last year I served as your VP of Publications and I thoroughly enjoyed my experience.

I am going to be a senior at Highlands Ranch High School in the Denver metro area. My favorite areas of study are history and of course FACS classes. It is my goal to become a FACS teacher after college and continue doing what I love: teaching, mentoring, FACS, and FCCLA. I have already jump started my teaching career by teaching 4th-7th graders on Sunday evenings and 4-8 year olds on Tuesday evenings. I love teaching, it's my passion! In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading, and cooking. I also volunteer at a teen drop-in center downtown every week with my family. I have four younger brothers who keep me going. My dad works with computer databases, my mom is a full time mom and a part time retail seller. My favorite color is pink, but FCCLA red comes close. My favorite food is chocolate but steak and ribs are a close second. I'm just an average teenaged girl who has a passion for FCCLA and loves being a leader.

I am aware that you didn't need all of that information, but I have found it helpful to be relatable. Many students that I have talked to are somewhat intimidated by state officers when they are in uniform (which is a lot!) and I wanted to lessen that fear by being relatable. All of the state officers are wonderful people and you have no reason to be intimidated by them because their job is to be the voice of FCCLA, to be your voice. They are normal people who love this organization so much they couldn't resist the need to be a voice for FCCLA. That doesn't mean that you are exempt from being a voice in your community! The officers can only be in one place at a time and we need your help as members to get the word out about FCCLA! We need YOU!

So FCCLA, comment below and tell me something about yourself or about how you have been a voice for FCCLA in your community! I want to hear from you! You can also email us at

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